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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


ASK THE DICK: PSU Blue: As a Criminal Investigator I have seen it all and I have heard it all. As a former prison guard at the center for the sexually deviants I ha...

PSU Blue

As a Criminal Investigator I have seen it all and I have heard it all. As a former prison guard at the center for the sexually deviants I have heard it all and seen things I rather not say. Even after listening to Sandusky's interview with Costas I get the spin control his legal team has devised. But to this day I can't understand how Joe Paterno a man who played ball with my uncle at Brown and his staff put football before so many lives. Is football that important to people in "Happy Valley" really that happy !!! What also bothers me and everyone else is that Joe Pa is a beloved man who has done so much for people and the community for decades so why ????? it just doesn't make sense unless he is just as evil as Sandusky... Please send your comments.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Check out my profile on Boldfacers

Not a bad look but trust me the camera was a prop lol....

Friday, August 12, 2011


ASK THE DICK: CHEATERVILLE: "' Disclaimer ' I am not an English major and never will pretend to be so please understand my use of grammar and my rambling thoughts.



" Disclaimer " I am not an English major and never will pretend to be so please understand my use of grammar and my rambling thoughts.

What does On the Mark Investigations, Ashley Madison, Cougarville, and Cheaterville all have in common..... Sex ! Yes we all profit off sex and deceit but we have only one person "Howard Stern" to thank..... his vision that began back when I was still trying for second base on my 7th grade girlfriend has changed radio and marketing as we know it. Sex and cheating is now cool ? well spend a few hours listening to his show and that is the impression you will get. It's almost like its hypnotic, a constant justification for those who may be on the fence. Well we both were successful even though mine was a quick feel his has transcended into wealth and fame. The latest site I have found is that is genius in my mind..... a site that allows you the ability to expose the cheater WOW. I am not sure how it is done and how they verify if they are cheaters or not but either way people love this shit.... they are offering what people often call me for and that's therapy. Yes I said therapy, although loosely ....NO PUN.... I have been offering this up well before the birth of first web site that officially turned twenty last week.

My two cents.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ASK THE DICK: ASK THE DICK: Latest story on Event Level...Check ...

ASK THE DICK: ASK THE DICK: Latest story on Event Level...Check ...: "ASK THE DICK: Latest story on Event Level...Check it out. : 'Jack-of-all-trades and master of several, Mark Chauppetta is throwing himself i..."

Latest story on Event Level...Check it out.

Jack-of-all-trades and master of several, Mark Chauppetta is throwing himself into a new project that is directly up his alley. Knowing that many perspective clients are reluctant, embarrassed, ashamed, and too shy to contact a private investigator, Mark Chauppetta is taking his media savvy, years of experience, and dynamic personality to Ustream for a live, interactive program to answer questions from those who cannot get up the gumption to initiate a call to his office.

“Ask the Dick” is premiering live this Friday, August 12, 2011 and every Friday thereafter from 11:00am until 12:00 Noon EST. In his incomparable style Mark Chauppetta will be answering questions and chatting live about any and all questions people might have for a private investigator. Viewers can use the CHECK in and CHAT feature to instantly send an anonymous message or to email ataskthedickpi@aol.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for Mark Chauppetta to answer on the air.

With decades of experience as a private investigator and radio personality, Mark Chauppetta is the perfect person for this role. In addition, Mark Chauppetta is a top authority on PI work as he recently published a book entitled Happens All of the Time: Cheating in the Good Ol’ U.S.A. From promoting his work on The Howard Stern Show to his charitable turns as an MMA fighter to shed light and donations on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which his twin sons were born, Mark Chauppetta is a tireless advocate, professional, and local celebrity. All in his native Massachusetts know of Mark Chauppetta and soon the rest of the country and world will take notice of this dynamic and multi-talented personality.

Be sure to get your questions ready because Mark Chauppetta is going to use his vast knowledge, signature in-your-face honesty, and brilliant turn of humor to answer them. For a great hour during your Friday, tune in to “Ask the Dick”.

To learn more about Mark Chauppetta visit

Chief 187 is a writer, columnist, blogger, and creator of the widely successful Chief 187 Chatter. Her work has recently been featured on the Indie Republic Network. In addition to NASCAR Sprint Cup Race Recaps and Friday Music Blogs, Chief 187 has posted many articles based on interviews with musicians and MMA fighters. To follow Chief 187 on Twitter follow @Chief187s. To find all of the places Chief 187’s works are featured visit

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Who says you have to be covert

ASK THE DICK: Who says you have to be covert: "Premiering August 12, 2011 11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon and every Friday after I will be taking my show to my office desk and in my cozy chair. I w..."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Check out my story on

ASK THE DICK: Check out my story on "Dear Friends, Sex sells so I write / blog about it. Check out this cool story it's a good look for me and if you have any questions, send t..."

Check out my story on

Dear Friends,

Sex sells so I write / blog about it. Check out this cool story it's a good look for me and if you have any questions, send them along to me.



Monday, July 18, 2011

ASK THE DICK: For Kelly Ma C.O.R.I Reform Info

ASK THE DICK: For Kelly Ma C.O.R.I Reform Info: "Kelly sent me a private message asking about C.O.R.I so courtesy of Criminal Defense Attorney and long time fried Russell Matson I think the..."

For Kelly Ma C.O.R.I Reform Info

Kelly sent me a private message asking about C.O.R.I so courtesy of Criminal Defense Attorney and long time fried Russell Matson I think the information below may be helpful. This CORI Reform info is from his web site for future reference.

Thx M

CORI stands for Criminal Offender Record Information. It is the listing of criminal convictions, arrests, and open criminal cases.

In 2010, Massachusetts passed a law to restrict access to some CORI information, in an effort to help people with criminal charges in their past from being discriminated against. In general, access to records of most misdemeanor criminal charges will be restricted after 5 years or a clean record, and 10 years in the case of felony charges.

As of November 4, 2010

Employers in Massachusetts will no longer be able to ask about convictions on “initial” job applications.

May 4, 2012

Standard CORI access for employers and landlords. Employers and landlords will have standard access to CORI via the Internet, for a fee, for the purpose of screening current and prospective employees, volunteers, and tenants. The standard access CORI report will contain the following information:


•All murder, manslaughter, and sex offense convictions.
•Any felony convictions that occurred within the last 10 years or for which the applicant was incarcerated within the last 10 years; and
•Any misdemeanor convictions that occurred within the last 5 years or for which the applicant was incarcerated within the last 5 years.
•CWOFs are NOT convictions for purposes of this law. In other words, if a person’s case was continued without a finding for a specific period of time and that time period has passed, the CWOF will not appear on the CORI.
o Note: If any criminal conviction qualifies to be included on the CORI report under the above rules, then all prior convictions will appear on the CORI report as well, regardless of when they occurred.

Open cases:

o Any criminal charges pending as of the date of the request, including open cases that have been continued without a finding.

Sealed records will never appear on a CORI report, and the report will not show that a sealed record exists.

Employers who make hiring decisions based on official CORI reports within 90 days of receiving the reports shall be held harmless in negligent hiring lawsuits that allege additional criminal background checks should have been conducted.

In addition, the new law also includes the following provisions:

•Employers that decide not to hire applicants or take adverse actions based on criminal histories in CORI reports must first give applicants copies of the reports.
•Employers conducting five (5) or more criminal background checks per year must maintain a written criminal offender record information policy.
•Employers are prohibited from maintaining CORI records of former employees or unsuccessful job applicants for more than seven years from the last date of employment or from the date of the decision not to hire the job applicant.
Employers who continue to ask questions on initial written applications about felony or misdemeanor convictions after that date may be subject to liability under the new law, experts warn. The other provisions described regarding the new law do not take effect until February 6, 2012.

Answer To Jim's Question

Hi Jim,

I have investigated for many clients who are fighting for custody. The first thing I trained myself is to is not judge and never to get emotionally involved. It is also my job to remain loyal to the paying client, perform the task at hand, and to leave it up to the eyes of the probate and family court to decide fate.

This being said, gaining custody is a very hard task and often even if the facts are in place, I have seen judges not act in the right way.I once caught someone smoking crack and the judge didn't do shit. Go figure, lol...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

ASK THE DICK: I need your help !

ASK THE DICK: I need your help !: "Big thanks to Jim for asking some great questions but now I need more.....and more....and more in order to get this 'Ask the Dick Blog' grow..."

I need your help !

Big thanks to Jim for asking some great questions but now I need more.....and more....and more in order to get this "Ask the Dick Blog" growing ;-)

Case related advice, Relationship Advice, Legal Advice........ just ask away.

Thanks again


Friday, July 15, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Answer to Jim L Question

ASK THE DICK: Answer to Jim L Question: "Jim L as we will call him is a Guardian Angel and is to be commended for his years of service to all of us. The Angels are just that and I'm..."

Answer to Jim L Question

Jim L as we will call him is a Guardian Angel and is to be commended for his years of service to all of us. The Angels are just that and I'm sure from working the streets he has seen a great deal of illegal activity on behalf of the criminals and the good guys. How can it not jade you.... Jim also was curious about cops turning the other cheek. I think in the past they have done it more but in my opinion it may have had a lot to do with residency requirement and picking and choosing what bees next they wanted to bust open. Thankfully it has changed in the City of Brockton where after 7 years they can move out. Do cops also solicit bribes in exchange for not reporting organized drugs, or prostitution, or other illegal activities. I'm sure they do but all walks of life have bad apples. I have never seen this first hand but what I can say is that with over 20 years of working the streets as a Defence Investigator I have heard many stories about how the cops like to kick in doors and scare good people. Personally I have a reputation of being dirty and a borderline criminal while trying to extract information myself, but I walk the line, and never kick in doors or make threats. I wear this as a badge of honor !!! The cops and District Attorney's office they have every resource none to man and they have the power or think they have the power to threaten to take kids away etc etc etc order to get a witness to flip. But this aside we should be lucky becuase we have the greatest legal system on the planet.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Bill Cunningham Show

ASK THE DICK: Bill Cunningham Show: "Hello, I just returned from a trip into NY to meet with the producers of the Bill Cunningham show nationally syndicated TV talk show premei..."

Bill Cunningham Show


I just returned from a trip into NY to meet with the producers of the Bill Cunningham show nationally syndicated TV talk show premeiring in Sept. It was pretty surreal to see the set which is the old Mauri Povich set..... and just to see the underbelly of the operation. I will be signing contracts to become the shows #01 DICK which means I will be on air to talk about investigations they send me on or to offer up expert advice. I am hoping with all the exposure that you the people will start reading my blog and most importantly " Ask the Dick" any questions you may have.



The Dear Abby of Dicks

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mens Lifestyles

I soon will be taking " Ask the Dick" on the road writing an advice column in so if you have any questions for me send along an email and it may appear in the magazine.

Thanks M

Hanging by a thread


Today I learned that the television reality pilot"On the Mark" that was filmed back in the winter of 2010 is still on life support and the plug will not be pulled just yet. Television is a very hard game and when I was chosen in a nationwide search to star in my own show, I thought that this was it. The producers came to me with a great concept, and it was very professionally done. We also had a major cable network courting us so it looked like we were going to sign contracts and go into production. Well that was not the case and it wasn't because the producers weren't busting there asses, it was just because it's all timing in Hollywood. So all I can say is when the owner of the NBA Champions recovers from the celebration, I hope he has a kind heart and takes a chance. He won't be disappointed.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

ASK THE DICK: More Radio

ASK THE DICK: More Radio: "I continue to plug my book 'Happens all The Time' appearing on Loren & Wally 105.7, Dan Rea WBZ , and Hank and Matt 96.9 WTKK . The subject..."

More Radio

I continue to plug my book "Happens all The Time" appearing on Loren & Wally 105.7, Dan Rea WBZ, and Hank and Matt 96.9 WTKK. The subject of cheating never gets old and I certainly can talk about it with cander and wit. My goal is to sell books and promote myself and my business, although if a silver lining can come of this, it would be to land a permanent radio gig. I spent five years on WBET a small AM station in Brockton, Ma and I'm telling you what a difference it makes when you actually have callers and quality equipment to work with. Did I also mention listeners lol.....That being said I was grateful for the opportunity to have a show in Brockton and hopefully I can become a regular known voice on the Boston market.

Friday, June 3, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Dear Abby of Dicks

ASK THE DICK: Dear Abby of Dicks: "Big Props to Kevin and my PR team at Propheta for working there assess off ! My goal is to be known as the Dear Abby of Dicks answering all..."

Dear Abby of Dicks

Big Props to Kevin and my PR team at Propheta for working there assess off ! My goal is to be known as the Dear Abby of Dicks answering all your questions and giving advise about everything from cheating to whatever I can offer some perspective on..

So send them my way..

Remember to log onto and purchase my book

Sunday, May 22, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Need Advise ? Send me a message

ASK THE DICK: Need Advise ? Send me a message: "This blog was set up to 'Ask the Dick' I am the dick and I am here to answer your most intimate and back candid and inf..."

Need Advise ? Send me a message

This blog was set up to "Ask the Dick" I am the dick and I am here to answer your most intimate and back candid and informative advise.

So what F*CK are you waiting for...


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Another stop in NY

I started my PR tour last week with a stop on the Howard Stern Show and yesterday I was back in NY again appearing on the Lewis Jiminez Show on FM 96.3 a Latin station. It was really cool to have my interview in half English and half Spanish. Of course I didn't understand half of what was being said but I am a trusting man lol... I am promoting my new PI book and so far so good. I highly advocate that if you are going to make it to the next level you have to invest and I am doing so in Kevin Mercuri and his team at Propheta based out of NY City. One door can lead to the next and you may stumble on something that you never expected. Next up a few more radio gigs, a magazine story, and a TV reality show.

In the meantime while I dream it's back to blogging, tweeting, FB ing, and my regular job as a DICK.


Thursday, May 5, 2011


ASK THE DICK: HOWARD STERN APPEARANCE: "On May 3rd my decoys John, Jo Jo and I were in studio with Howard Stern to promote my cheating PI book Happens all the time. It was a really..."


On May 3rd my decoys John, Jo Jo and I were in studio with Howard Stern to promote my cheating PI book Happens all the time. It was a really great experience and something that I never in a million years would have even considered happening. I have to give a big thanks to Jules and Kevin my PR team for the hard work on my crazy ass media career. It was fun to meet Howard, Fred, Robin, Gary and Ronnie as they were all very gracious. The segment went 30 minutes from which I am told is long for Stern especially if you are not a stripper or celebrity. Howard seemed very interested in the decoy service and said if Beth ever kissed an man behind his back he would dump her ass. Robin was iffy on the service and Chico the caller thought we were scumbags. Scumbags or not its a service and many people use and many are successful. The appearance has landed me many new friends on twitter, FB, sold books, and yielded me two offers to develop a PI show.

This is all great news for On the Mark, Inc.... and Mark W. Chauppetta PI.

log onto to order my book Thx.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Hollywood Madam

ASK THE DICK: Hollywood Madam: "I want to give a big thanks to Jody 'Babydol' Gibson the famous Hollywood Madam. She has always been a great sport appearing a regular guest..."

Hollywood Madam

I want to give a big thanks to Jody "Babydol" Gibson the famous Hollywood Madam. She has always been a great sport appearing a regular guest back on the old OTM AM radio show. This time around on blogtalk radio we are uncensored and believe it or not she was very professional with the language. A matter a fact I think I often needed to rinse my mouth out with soap.....She filled us in on internet dating, her ex Gary Busey, and her next book "Conviction" which I am excited to read. Jody as you may or may not know spent 3 years in jail after being arrested back in 2000 for running one of the largest prostitution rings in the country. I asked Jody if she would ever go back to it if it ever was legalized and she said " no way woman are the worst to work with" well she may have a point :-) I may be willing to take that risk given the quality of talent she had....kidding wifey.... She also went on to tell us about a local actor/ director " The Town" and his very endowed junk. Guess you will have to order " Secrets of a Hollywood Madam" if you want the dirt.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Driven Entertainment

I am proud to announce that in about two weeks my first book " Happens All The Time" will be revised and re published with two new stories, new artwork, and an awesome new cover. Please stay tuned for details on the release. Also my film " a Father's Fight" will soon be ready for DVD release. The film Chronicles my battle to lose 30 lbs for a fight in the MMA cage against a kid half my age, all for my sons and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The film features MMA greats Joe Lauzon, Bas Rooten, Forest Griffon, and Tito Ortiz.

Thx M

Saturday, March 19, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Manhattan Transfer

ASK THE DICK: Manhattan Transfer: "I woke at 5:00 am yesterday to travel into NY against the wishes of my wife who wanted me to take the train. I said no way I'm pul..."

Manhattan Transfer

I woke at 5:00 am yesterday to travel into NY against the wishes of my wife who wanted me to take the train. I said no way I'm pulling the new BMW out of the garage from the winter and cruising in because the temps are going to be high 60's. I like driving because I am a control freak and I like to be in charge of my own destiny. If I want rip a fart I can, and not have worry about the passenger or conductor walking by giving me know guy shit...

The trip in NY was was very successful I must say. The weather was warm the hot chicks were out on 5th Avenue, and I left ten g richer baby. I met with a well to do client who needs to check out his wife for cheating, and then I finished up with my new kick ass PR team. I have decided to hire a Kevin and Jules, and together they are going to make me a STAR ! well in theory that's what I am looking for and paying for. My book is about cheating cases and very funny I must say. It also gives advise on how to cheat for all you scumbags thinking about it. It is time to stop fucking around and if I want to actually sell some copies and make some real money. The objective is to push me, my personality, and my product on every media outlet they can get me on. TV, Radio, Magazines etc etc etc.....Contracts are now signed sealed and the ten g I left with well it's no longer in my pocket.

Sounds all great ha... the perfect man day, right..... wrong !!! So I'm feeling all cool jamming to some Led Zep and the Beatles compilation CD my brother in-law gave me when the car made a funny sound and shit the bed on I 95 on the CT / RI State line :-( WTF what a bummer ! the worst part is having to hear my wife bitch at me which she a pro at..... Well of course it was all my fault because she told me so right lol...UGH But I believe in things happening for a reason and my reason today was to come back to earth while listening to the driver tell me about his week in jail because his ex wife was playing the game in court with his kids and child support. This guy actually got lots of free professional advise given my experience not only personally but day to day on the job. So when all said and done, I learned that tow driver are the bottom of the barrel and they work there asses off for very little pay and appreciation.

So I dedicate this day to Peter the town guy from AAA. Hope I never break down again but if I do I know I can count on a tow driver.

I'm out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Can't shake this damn cold !!!!

ASK THE DICK: Can't shake this damn cold !!!!: "I missed the second show March 8 along with my Lady Gaga concert. Yes, I said Lady Gaga so what ! I figured it would be a fun show to take t..."

Can't shake this damn cold !!!!

I missed the second show March 8 along with my Lady Gaga concert. Yes, I said Lady Gaga so what ! I figured it would be a fun show to take the wife too. Well as it turned out no show no Gaga but luckily Sinista 1 filled in with Czman hosting the show from his man cave. The show went off well but Sinista I swear I didn't have the blue flu.. I had Aches, Fever, and sinus pain sucked. Yes I'm bitching but I'm telling you a week later and I still can't shake this shit.

Hope I don't have the HIV.... kidding ;-)

Well yesterday I was back along with Diesel and aside from a Internet connection glitch we had a fun show. I proved to Ken that he had the origin of the word FUCK wrong and he still disagreed. We had a husband and wife PI tandem call in from Denver Colorado and Ken explained why he court system is flawed.

I lastly would like to send my thoughts to all the people who were affected in Japan. I hope our old exchange student from the 1986 wrestling team Akira and his family are ok.

I'm out.

Friday, March 4, 2011

First Show Back

It was great to be back on the air ( if you can call it that ) with the old gang. The dynamic is odd not being in a radio studio having to sit around a table talking into a speakerphone. But none the less once the sexy British voice says you will be on in 5,4,3,2,1..... It clicks and true form comes back. I opened the show with a little tribute to my favorite comedian and a big middle finger to the FCC by playing George Carlin's seven dirty words. I am sure if anyone was listening they said OMG you have just given Mark and the gang license to do whatever. I assure you that won't be the case. Don't get me wrong I will slip up with many f-bombs and Czman will offend woman and races of all kinds, but I hope to add some professionalism to the show. Ok who the F am I folloing lol.....We started with Frank Ahearn who was great giving advise about how to not only about how to disappear, but how to protect yourself with the new world of social networks. The funny thing is when the interview with Frank was done I hit the hang up button on the phone because that's what we did on AM radio. Czman quickly picked up on it, realizing I disconnected from the server, and the show was down until I called back in. We had some great laughs about this. Next was some banter followed by the new "Ask the Dick" segment where I hope to answer your questions about anything.

So that's it folk's please tune in every Tuesday 5-7 PM on

Thursday, February 24, 2011


ASK THE DICK: Test Show: "Well we did the test show and in true 'On the Mark' form I didn't take much time to prep which led to confusion and then some magic. I start..."

Test Show

Well we did the test show and in true "On the Mark" form I didn't take much time to prep which led to confusion and then some magic. I started the show which was taped for my purposes only by doing something I always want to do on the air and that is say SH*T, D BAG, A...HOLE & F*CK. Now this won't be the norm folks but it was sooooooooo good not to have the FCC breathing down my neck.

So log on start t follow and tune in Tuesday at 5:00 PM EST for some fun and laughs.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

ASK THE DICK: Log on and tune in March 1, 2011 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM...

ASK THE DICK: Log on and tune in March 1, 2011 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM...: "The OTM Show is Back...... Premiering March 1, 2011 weekly at 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM...... I will be back on air along with Attorney Ken Diesen..."

Log on and tune in March 1, 2011 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The OTM Show is Back......

Premiering March 1, 2011 weekly at 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM......

I will be back on air along with Attorney Ken Diesenhof and some special guests from my old AM show.

"Ask the Dick" will be my new segment where I will pick one of your questions weekly answering with my honest and professional advise.

Don't be shy anything from investigations, to legal, to everyday advise.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You Tube here I come

I have decided to start my "Ask the Dick" series on "You Tube" where I will take a few questions each week and answer them in a candid, often funny, often edgy, and informative proffesional way. Many in my industry say that I am a gumshoe and I love getting my face in the public in a profession that is supposed to be secret. Well I say screw that !!! Those of you who know me know why and those that are getting to know me will soon learn or can visit